Saturday, May 3, 2008

May Eager Prayer Update

May 4-10

Praise: WE WILL BE GOING TO THE STATES FOR HOME SERVICE IN LESS THAN A MONTH! We’ll be in the US May 28th-August 29th. It’s a shorter home service this time because we need to be back by September 1st so the kids can start school on time. We’re excited to see you in person! We do realize however, that it won’t be possible to visit with everyone because of lack of time, but we’re hoping to be able to talk and connect that way. We are SO thankful for your faithful support and for ALL your prayers. We are so humbled and filled with gratitude for your constant faithfulness. We’re thankful also for the provision of missionary housing through McCoy Memorial Baptist Church. We’re thankful our co-workers will be living in our house and taking care of our dog while we’re gone. We’re thankful it works out to take the kids out of school 3 ½ weeks early and that we’ll be able to attend Carlene’s nephew’s wedding. We’re thankful we’ll be able to be with Carlene’s parents for their 50th wedding anniversary. We’re also thankful that we will be able to spend time with all of Paul’s family in Alaska.
Prayer: There are many, many details yet to be planned and prepared before we leave. Pray for each one to fall into place and get done. To put it mildly, we’re rather stressed! J We’re still in need of a car for the 3 months—pray for God’s provision.
Also, on the 10th, we will be having our 3rd Annual Ladies’ Tea at the Coffee House. Carlene will be sharing a short devotional. Pray for those invited to come. Pray for each believer who comes that she will be encouraged and each non-believer to have an open heart to understand what God has for her. Pray for a sweet and refreshing atmosphere and God’s love and Word to reach each heart.

May 11-17

Praise: For the beautiful flowering trees and green leaves and grass we see as we look out from our balcony!
Prayer: Andrew will be going with his class on a 3-day field trip to two well-known, historic cities in Poland (Krakow and Zakopane) the 12th -14th. Pray for safety, good weather, a great time and that he’ll be a good witness.
May 18-24
Praise: Praise for patient, understanding teachers and directors and for their willingness to “work with us.”
Prayer: Aaron’s class will be going on a 10-day field trip by the Baltic Sea starting on the 22nd. Because we’re leaving for the States earlier, we’ll be picking him up on the 27th and then flying out the next day! Please pray also for him as in the above request for Andrew’s trip. They are both excited about the trips.
Also, we’re planning the International English-speaking service on the 18th. Pray for those interested to come and students from English classes to come. Pray for receptive hearts.
Also, Carlene will be having her English classes ending on the 23rd with an all-out American hamburger and hotdog grill. The students will receive their certificate for the year. Pray for good weather, many parents will come and conversations will gear towards spiritual matters.

May 25-31

Praise: We’re so thankful we’re able to be at Carlene’s nephew’s wedding on the 31st!
Prayer: Pray for safety for Paul as he travels to pick up Aaron 6 hours there and back. Pray for last minute details this week to get done before we leave. Pray for good flights on the 28th, safety and an opportunity to share Christ with someone seeking Him.


Paul, Carlene
Andrew, Aaron and Alaina

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