Monday, March 17, 2008

Eager Prayer Update

March 16-22

Praise: Praise for the salvation of Bartek!!! He has regularly been coming to the Coffee House since it’s been open. He also was regularly asked, or made to, leave due to his behavior. Now, he’s a different person, helping out in church and in the Coffee House. Discipleship is essential but he has understood what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ!
Prayer: Pray for his growth and understanding of what it means to live fully for Christ. Pray for others to understand also and understand their need for a Savior and to give their lives to Him. Please pray this specifically for the youth who come to the Coffee House, English students, parents of English students, kids’ school teachers, Carlene’s guitar teacher, Paul’s fitness club trainer, our friends who are not believers and all the contacts we have in the community.

March 23-29

Praise: Praise for the many creative ways God uses to reach out to others.
Prayer: Louise and Andrea have begun a “Recipe Exchange” Saturday once a month at the Coffee House. One hope in doing this is to draw more adults to the Coffee House. Praise for the good turnout last month and for 4 new people who came—even some came from the English classes. Two students from Pat’s class want to be involved and share their recipes this month! The next “Recipe Exchange class” will be this Saturday, the 5th. Pray for the Lord to use these Saturdays to touch lives and bring spiritual fruit.

March 30-April 5

Praise: Praise for the English students (around 80) who have been coming since September. Several of them have shown an interest in having a seeker Bible study in English. Pat has a study from the Navigators which is called People Who Met Jesus.
Prayer: The interest is there but they have yet to take the next step and come on Thursdays at 4:30. Please pray that they’ll come.
It can be so overwhelming at times with the amount of potential students and those wanting conversations and individual lessons. This is one of those “good” problems because we are becoming more and more known in the community and there are the opportunities to meet more people and have contact with them, but on the other hand, we need wisdom when to say “yes” and also “no”. Please pray for daily wisdom.
We’re thankful for relationships with some of the local schools. As in the last couple of years, we will be hosting a dictation competition with junior high and high school students. This will be on Friday, the 4th. Pray that the Lord would use this somehow in the students’ lives and the teachers with whom we will be relating. Pray that some of the students would be interested in coming to the Coffee House.

April 6-12

Praise: We’ll be in the States this summer!!! We’re looking forward to being on home service this summer from the end of May to the end of August. It’ll be a quickie but we’re so glad to be able to be back.
Prayer: Pray for all the many details to fall into place smoothly before we leave. The kids will be leaving before school is finished—about 3 ½ weeks earlier. We are planning our visits and we know we have many miles to cover in a short time. There’s so much to pray for actually that it’s a lot to list here, so please just pray for all the details that go into preparing and planning for a home service both on this side of the ocean and the other! J We also have a considerable amount to raise in monthly support before we can come back to Poland. The children start school September 1st so we’d like to be able to come back at our targeted returning date. Please be praying for this need.

April 13-19

Praise: Praise for gospel music and every possible means to reach others for Christ!
Prayer: As we had last year, we will be hosting a Gospel Choir workshop. A group from another city comes in and teaches intensively during the weekend how to sing the Gospel songs and then everyone who takes part gives a concert Sunday evening. Please pray for people to be interested in participating, the Holy Spirit to speak through the words in the songs, all the logistics to fall into place, good health for all involved, etc… The workshop will be from the 18th-20th. We are praying that there will be a group from the choir interested in having a Bible study.

April 20-26

Praise: Praise for our team—Bogusia and Zbyszek Hanaczewscy, Pat Weathersbee, Andrea Hagen, and Louise Eisenhauer. Praise for another family coming—Bruce and Linda, Bethany and AJ Thomas. They are coming with the mission World Venture and will be helping the church plant through teaching English.
Prayer: Pray for their preparation and support raising that the Lord would bring them here in His perfect timing. Pray for continued unity among our team and within the church. When we plan activities, we try to make the whole church aware and plan ways for their involvement. We’re also seriously looking into ways to have our own church building instead of paying rent. We want to be of one mind in this. Also, please continue praying for our church, for those who preach, as we begin to think about having a Pastor and who that will be, growth, and having a clear vision, wisdom and guidance for the church leaders.

April 27-May 3

Praise: Praise for the children’s friends! They’ve been able to make good friends this year and have been able to regularly play together after school.
Prayer: After 7 ½ years in Poland, we’re still requesting prayer for our language ability. Yes, we are daily communicating and understanding, but we will be learners for as long as we are here. The kids are doing well in their language ability but they will also be constantly learning and developing their vocabulary. Pray for continued growth and ability.


Paul, Carlene
Andrew, Aaron and Alaina


Phil and Pattie said...

Nice hair...Now grow a beard...:)

Paul Eager said...

That would look nice eh? I really don't know if I can grow a beard. :)

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