Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Eagers' Expressions

Dear Friends and partners in the ministry,

Greetings from Elkhart, Indiana! Thank you so much for praying and for those that give, thank you so much for giving. God is answering your prayers - see the postcard below. J

We would like to once again ask that you pray concerning our support needs. August 29th is just around the corner and we still have a monthly need of $1603.33. We are required by our Mission to have 100% of our support pledged before we head back to Poland.

Next week if we see that the finances are just not coming in we will have to start making decisions as to what we are going to be doing in regards to our children and their schooling. The Polish schools start in September. We will also be having to make some decisions which touch directly on the Lubin church plant and it’s language school and coffee house ministry.

This postcard will be going out to apx. 500 people nationwide. Please pray that God would fling open the banks of heaven and the amount of $1603.33 per month needed will be taken down to a 0 balance. Let’s see what God can do.

Thank you again and blessings,

Paul, Carlene
Andrew, Aaron and Alaina
*If God has touched your heart to give on a monthly basis as a financial partner please write to Kathy Cole at SEND International ( or call her at 1-800-736-3808 as soon as possible (because of the time factor). If you do write to Kathy, please also let us know so that we can keep track of it in our records as well. Thank you so much!

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