Thursday, January 17, 2008

Eager Prayer Update

Jan. 13-19

Praise: Praise that Rich Ellis could be with us over the last two years. Praise that in God’s timing Louise Eisenhauer has joined the Lubin RIT and the Lubin Church plant.
Prayer: Pray for Rich Ellis as he returns to the US. Pray for his adjustment(s) as well as for our adjustment without him. Please pray for Marysia, Mateusz and Sławek that they would make the decision to give their lives completely to God. These three, from Ścinawa have been coming to church on Sunday for a long time now but have not made a decision yet.

Jan. 20-26

Praise: That a few more people have joined the Ścinawa (Where the ladies shelter ministry is) Bible study. They meet every Wednesday at around 8 PM.
Prayer: Pray for our first International worship service (Sunday, 20 January). Those that came to the International Christmas get-together were invited. Please pray that there will be a response and that people will come. Pray for Andrea this week as she moves into her new apartment. Some of the youth from the Coffee House live in the building that she will be moving into – Pray that God would use her location for great impact.

Jan. 27-Feb. 2

Praise: That we were able to register as an association. This gives us more standing within the community as well as helps us financially (money from EU sources) with our work with children and youth. We were also able to get some help for our Gospel workshops which will happen sometime in April, Lord willing.
Prayer: Pray for our church body that we would grow in the Lord and that in His time He would be preparing someone to pastor. Pray for continued unity and love for each other.

Feb. 3-9

Praise: For a financial gift for an oven and other items.
Prayer: We see the ministry at the Coffee House slowly taking a shift from only trying to attract teenagers to attracting more adults through other types of relationship-building events such as cooking, flower arranging and other ministries that would attract more adults. We will still be working with the youth that come when we are open but we are going to try a shift in focus. Please pray for wisdom and guidance in this matter.

Feb. 10-16

Praise: Praise for a winter break in the schools this week and next. We plan to take a few days off and hope to get together with some friends.
Prayer: During one of the weeks we are planning on having a mini winter club for our “Logosiaki” kids (Kids Club at the Coffee House). Pray for guidance, wisdom and creative ideas as we plan and think through the details.

Feb. 17-23

Praise: Praise for the provision of a house during our upcoming home service.
Prayer: We are in the process of preparing for home service this summer (end of May – end of August). Please pray that we would be able to smoothly get all of our meetings lined up and all other details will line up. We will be coming back with a deficit of about $1000.00 per month which will need to be raised in order for us to return. This is due in part to the fall of the US dollar.

Feb. 24 - Mar.1

Praise: Praise that there is progress in Aaron’s eye. Every other month he has a visit and it shows that he can read 1 ½ - 2 lines down the eye chart.
Prayer: Paul will be at council meetings during this week. Pray for strength, wisdom and guidance in decision making as SEND’s NCE council meets. Pray for Carlene and the kids without him these three days.

Mar. 2-8

Praise: For the kids and parents that come to our Kids club, English classes and for everyone who comes into the Coffee House.
Prayer: Pray for our 80 English students that we would have opportunities to share the Gospel with them. Carlene teaches 3 children’s groups and co-teaches one adult group. Paul teaches / has conversations with 8 students. It has been great to be more open during conversations. Pray that the Lord would give understanding to these students about spiritual truths when they come up. Please also pray for our kid’s club that we have every Friday. The kids hear a different Bible story every time they come. Pray for their salvation.

Mar. 9-15

Praise: Praise for the good relationships we have within the community: schools, government offices and social institutions.
Prayer: We will be having our annual English dictation competition among the middle schools and high schools in Lubin and the surrounding area. Please pray that God would give us opportunities to share His love with others. We will be using the facilities of High School number 1.

SEND International * PO Box 513 * Farmington, MI * 48332 * (248) 477-4210 *
ul. Malinowa 2 * 59-300 * Lubin * Poland* +(48+ 76) 844 1351* *

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